Energy Company – Rapid Communication & Preparation

Response client since 2015.

Client Challenge

As a large company with operations impacting thousands of stakeholders, the company wanted to ensure that it had the capability to respond and communicate with its neighbours and surrounding community in a responsible manner. With each registered pipeline, there is risk of disaster. Energy Co.* realized its need to communicate with a vast number of stakeholders in a timely manner to ensure everyone’s safety. How would they communicate with stakeholders if there was an emergency? It quickly became vital that this company had access to required information and contacts at any given moment.

The Response Approach

With the Response mobile app, Energy Co.* can use the Protective Action Distance feature that shows all stakeholder contact information for those impacted by an emergency. By combining mapping information with a rapid communication system, Energy Co.* can ensure efficient communication with stakeholders as well as the integrity of its reputation within the industry. 


  • 2000 stakeholders impacted by defined emergency planning zones. 
  • 300 users on the app.

Contact us today to see how we can help your organization prepare for emergencies.

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